How to Build a High-Converting Sales Pipeline by Targeting the 70% of Visitors Most SaaS Companies Ignore

What if the key to unlocking your SaaS growth lies in nurturing the 70% of visitors most companies ignore?

In the competitive world of SaaS, it's common to see startups focus heavily on converting the 10% of traffic that's ready to buy now or the 20% that's interested but not quite ready. However, there's a secret to the extraordinary growth of giants like HubSpot—they master the art of marketing to the often-overlooked 70%.

The Traffic Breakdown: Who's Visiting Your Site?

When a typical SaaS company drives traffic to its website, it usually breaks down into three distinct segments:

  1. Ready to Buy Now (10%): These visitors are ready to make a purchase immediately. Converting this group often involves offering free trials, demos, or other incentives that push them to take action right away.
  2. Interested but Not Ready to Buy Yet (20%): This group is intrigued by your solution but needs more time—usually 2-4 weeks—before they're ready to commit. They’re likely comparing options or waiting for the right moment to make their move.
  3. Have the Problem, but It's Not a Priority (70%): This is the largest segment, comprising visitors who recognize the problem your product solves but don't see it as urgent enough to act on right now. These are the people most SaaS companies overlook.

The HubSpot Difference: Marketing to the 70%

Where many SaaS companies falter is in neglecting this third group. They focus their marketing efforts primarily on segments 1 and 2 because these are the easiest to convert. However, by doing so, they miss out on a huge opportunity for long-term growth.

HubSpot's strategy is different. They don’t just focus on the immediate conversions; they invest heavily in nurturing the 70% who aren’t ready to buy just yet. Through continuous engagement, valuable content, and educational resources, they stay top-of-mind with this audience. So, when the time comes, and the problem does become a priority, HubSpot is the first solution that comes to mind.

Why You Should Focus on the 70%

The reality is, after you've optimized your channels for conversions, you'll hit a natural ceiling on what those channels can achieve. This doesn't mean your entire business has plateaued, but it does signal that you've maximized the potential of your current audience segments. To continue growing, you need to look beyond the immediate buyers and start creating demand among those who aren't ready yet but will be in the future.

Marketing to the 70% is about playing the long game. It’s about building relationships, establishing trust, and positioning your brand as the go-to solution for when the time is right. This strategy not only ensures continued growth but also builds a pipeline of future customers who are already familiar with your brand.

How to Market to the 70%

To effectively market to this segment, consider the following strategies:

  1. Content Marketing: Create valuable, educational content that addresses the pain points of your target audience. This content should be geared toward those who are researching solutions but aren’t ready to buy yet.
  2. Lead Nurturing Campaigns: Develop email sequences that keep this group engaged over time. Offer them content, tips, and insights that gradually build trust and keep your brand top-of-mind.
  3. Remarketing: Use remarketing ads to stay in front of this audience as they browse the web. These subtle reminders can help keep your solution in their consideration set until they’re ready to buy.
  4. Webinars and Events: Host webinars, live events, or workshops that provide value and address the concerns of your target audience. This not only positions your brand as an industry leader but also gives you a chance to engage directly with potential future customers.

Conclusion: Unlocking the Next Growth Stage

If you're looking to unlock the next stage of growth for your SaaS company, it's time to start focusing on the 70%. By marketing to those who aren’t ready to buy right now, you’re planting seeds for future conversions, ensuring that your brand is the first they think of when the time comes. This approach may require patience and persistence, but the long-term payoff is well worth the investment.

HubSpot's success is a testament to the power of this strategy, and it can work for your SaaS business too. Start today, and watch as your growth curve begins to rise in ways you hadn’t thought possible.